Sunday, 19 June 2011

30 Seconds to Mars The Kill Video

Mise en scene:
-          Black clothing; connote fear and darkness
-          Black suits; high class and differentiate the characters
-          Low angle shots of the band on stage; audience looking up to them
-          Straight cuts to create verisimilitude
-          Slow motion to emphasise argument
-          Fast straight cuts; unsure of what you’re saying and increase dramatic effect, matches drums
-          Close ups of instruments
-          Following the story of a horror film
Target audience:
-          All male band suggest boys would find it easier to relate
-          Plot may not appeal to girls
-          Young band, young target audience
-          Video follows the story of The Shining
-          Equilibrium; the band go and stay in a hotel away from everyone
-          Disruption; strange things begin happening around the hotel
-          Recognition of disruption; the lead singer follows someone in a suit around the corridors to find it’s himself
-          Attempt to repair disruption; he faces himself in what looks like an argument whilst singing
-          Reinstatement of equilibrium; they go into a room where everyone’s in doubles
-          Shows representations of gender, the video shows the lead singer to be strong as he pushes his double around and shouts a lot.
-          The fast straight cuts make it hard to see what’s happening so the audience wonders what’s going on
-          The video ends with no explanation

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